rock, PAPER, scissors . .
All About Paper
Fun Facts . . .
1. Paper is a very thin material made by pressing wood fibers together, and used
mostly for writing and drawing.
2. Most paper today is made in a factory known as a paper mill.
3. The papermaking process was invented by a Chinese inventor, Cai Lun in 105 AD.
4. Prior to the invention of paper, papyrus was used as a writing surface.
5. A single pine tree can produce over 80,500 sheets of paper.
6. It is estimated that the United States produces over 71 million TONS
of paper waste each year.
7. According to the American Forest and Paper Association, the U.S. recovery rate for
recycling paper was only 68% in 2018.
8. These days, there are MANY different types of paper. Here are just a few:
printing, tracing, tissue, photo, kraft,
parchment, newsprint, wax, inkjet,
wrapping, notebook, manila, watercolor,
drawing, wallpaper, sandpaper, and many more!